English Outdoors: Learn. Explore. Discover.

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Whether you’re looking for a cozy cafe or a place to go dancing on a Friday night, we’ve got some great local tips for you so that there’s no need to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge for the third time or get mixed up in a horde of people in Times Square. From neighborhood guides to off the beaten path destinations, consider our blog your one-stop destination for all things NYC culture.

English Resources, Culture

English Cooking Vocabulary

I don’t know about you, but I have definitely been cooking much more since quarantine started, and it was clearly hard to understand some recipes at the beginning. I realized cooking in a different language can be very tricky, which…

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8 Surprising facts about Brooklyn

Brooklyn is one of the most famous and important boroughs in New York City. It is known for its artsy feeling, its diversity, and its community. But one of the key facts about this borough is its fast growth and…

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