Sample Discovery Day

NYC Street Art

On Street Art Discovery Day, we’ll explore the streets, discover vibrant murals, and learn about the artists and their creative processes. NYC is renowned as a canvas for great street artists, with the Bushwick neighborhood celebrated for hosting some of the best street art in the United States.

    • 10:00-11:30: Topic introduction

    • 11:30-12:15: Tour of the Bushwick Collective

    • 12:15-1:00: Wrap-up discussion

    • Topic explored: Street art

    • Coffee at Swallow Café

    • Language activities: Video comprehension, vocab building, discussion

    • Walking tour of the Bushwick Collective

    • Beer or wine at Sea Wolf Bar

    • Fluency practice

    • Learn about the history of the Bushwick Collective and its founder, Joe Ficalora

    • Learn and use street art related vocab in real situations

    • Visit the Bushwick Collective and experience real examples of street art

    • Discuss and express opinions about graffiti

    • Order a round of coffee (courtesy of EO!) and introduce topic – street art

    • Video comprehension activity on the history of the Bushwick Collective and its founder, Joe Ficalora

    • Identify and learn key vocab related to graffiti, the creation of the Bushwick Collective, and describing different types of art

    • Discuss different perspectives of graffiti (example: art vs vandalism)

    • Walking tour of the Bushwick Collective led by EO Language Guide

    • Experience real-life examples of street art and engage in discussion with your Language Guide and peers

    • Vocab task: Match examples of street art to descriptive art adjectives (assigned by your guide)

    • Order a round of drinks at Sea Wolf (courtesy of EO!)

    • Describe what you experienced using target street art vocab

    • Present your street art example and explain its descriptive art adjective

    • Describe or debate the different artists’ inspiration and meaning behind their pieces

    • Wrap-up discussion, sample topics:
      - The public’s perception of graffiti and how it has changed over time
      - Street art and its recognition in the traditional art world
      - Graffiti as a powerful form of expression (example: political messages)