Teen English Summer Camp

New York City

2-week sessions in July & August!

Starting from June 29th, 2025

Age Range: 14-17 Year Olds

Get ready for THE best Summer yet! Explore the Big Apple, improve your English, and have fun!

Designed for teenagers aged 14 to 17 years old, our program offers an immersive experience blending English language practice with unforgettable adventures in the vibrant city of New York.

  • Comprehensive Camp Package

    The camp includes fluency-focused English sessions, a full schedule of supervised activities and excursions, and full board accommodation in with a local host family (recruited by us) or in a residence in the heart of Brooklyn Heights.

  • Fully Immersive Language Experience

    Go beyond traditional settings and practice your English in iconic Brooklyn and Manhattan spots across the city to maximize your NYC adventure. Sessions incorporate city excursions and focus on NYC topics and themes like art, history, architecture, immigration, and more. This hands-on approach to language practice is the best way to improve your fluency while exploring the city!

  • Small Group Settings

    English sessions are kept small with a max. of 8 people, are grouped together according to level, and allow for plenty of opportunities to practice your English. These topic-driven language sessions focus on speaking, improving fluency, and building confidence so that you can see meaningful language progress even after just 2 weeks!

2025 Session Dates

If you have further questions about our Teen English Summer Camp, please call us at +1 (646) 341-1219 or message us on WhatsApp.

Day Camp Program:

  • June 30th - July 12th

  • July 14th - July 26th

  • July 28th - August 09th

Residential Program:

  • June 29th - July 12th

  • July 13th - July 26th

  • July 27th - August 09th

Weekly activity program

Our weekly activity program includes five half-day excursions and one full-day adventure, alternating between fun and educational outings. Designed to include the best of New York City, authentic American experiences, various activities, and the typical NYC summer vibe!

Accommodation Options

Stay with a Trusted Host Family

Stay with a trusted host family. All our host families are located in Brooklyn, with an average travel time of 30 minutes to the meeting point via public transport, which may vary for some homestays.

Learn about our Homestay options >

Stay at Our Brooklyn Residence

Our teen residence is located in the heart of Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn’s most central and vibrant neighborhood, only 5 minutes’ walk from one of the best views of the New York skyline from the Brooklyn Promenade.

Learn about our Brooklyn Residence >

Safety & Supervision

  • The welfare of our EO Teens is something that we take very seriously and is at the heart of everything that we do at English Outdoors. The supervision, safety and well-being of the young people who book a program with us is absolutely crucial to ensuring that they have a great experience here in NYC.

  • All EO Teens are given lanyards to wear upon arrival in New York. These lanyards include EO program information, their name, their Language Guide's name, and the emergency contact number.

  • Activities and excursions are led by our camp chaperones, at a ratio of 15 EO Teens per chaperone. They are here to make sure the EO Teens are safe at all times during outings. The activity program is compulsory and EO teens must attend all the supervised activities organized by the program.

  • A health form informing us of any allergies/treatments/diets will be sent out to the parents at the time of booking and should be returned to the us completed and signed no later than 6 weeks before the start of the program.

  • We visit and meet all our host families, many of whom have worked with us for a number of years. We want to ensure that their homes are suitable for hosting our young teens in terms of safety, security, accessibility, and comfort. All our host families also undergo a background check to ensure their suitability to host young teens.

  • For those EO Teens staying at our Brooklyn residence, we have live-in chaperones on-site 24/7 to look after them. EO Teens also receive an ID card upon arrival.

  • EO Teens must return to their homestay by 6:30 PM every day after activities. One of the host families' duties is to inform the program if an EO Teen is arriving late for dinner. EO Teens are not allowed out in the evening unless their host families take them out.

    EO Teens staying in the residence must be in their bedrooms by 10:00 PM. The residence chaperones ensure that all EO Teens respect the curfew. EO Teens are not allowed out in the evening unless they are with the chaperones for scheduled evening activities.

  • The EO Coordinator, who is also the EO Teen welfare officer, is available 24/7 in case of emergencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Despite having a population of more than 8 million people, New York City consistently ranks in the top ten safest large cities in the United States. As in any large city, travelers should be careful of pickpockets and hustlers, but our camp chaperones are here to guide students and give them safety tips.

  • All English sessions will take place outside the classroom in places such Brooklyn Bridge Park, Bryant Park, Pier 57, Industry City or Brookfield place. So instead of being in a room with 4 walls, students will practice English in authentic locations and the city will become their classroom!

  • Yes and yes! Locations have been carefully chosen based on comfort, space, ease of access, points of interest close by, proximity of public restrooms, etc. They take place in small groups of 8 maximum (average 5/6) seated around a table.

  • English Outdoors is not a traditional ESL school or class. Instead, our English sessions focus on practicing speaking, gaining confidence, and building overall fluency.

    Our expert EO language guides utilize iPads, smart phones, NYC topics, and other materials to keep the English sessions engaging and the conversation flowing. Instead of doing traditional grammar exercises or book work, our English sessions focus on speaking and conversation so that you can practice your English and improve your overall fluency.

  • No there is no book. English Outdoors focuses on fluency and gaining confidence instead of strict grammar instruction. Examples of fluency activities include discussions, debates, presentations, games, storytelling and of course our topic-driven class excursions: Discovery Days.

    We recommend you take a look at our ‘Focus on Fluency’ section in the About Us page of our website for more information on the concept.

  • Since English sessions will predominantly take place outdoors throughout the city, students will naturally be immersed in NYC life and culture. With this interactive class concept, not only will students be exploring all that NYC has to offer, but this gives them real world scenarios to practice their English and live like a real New Yorker!

  • If it rains, gets too hot or too cold, sessions will switch to an indoor venue or be taken on one of our many cultural or educational Discovery Days located in indoor locations. New York City is full of great museums and semi-secret indoor public spaces!

  • Any health and dietary requirements (allergies, special diets, medical conditions, etc.) need to be included in the enrollment form so that we can inform the host at the time of booking. Staff and families will be aware of these and take them into account at mealtimes.

  • The first couple of days are often quite daunting as students adjust to a new country, customs, language, and new friends. This is normal and usually goes away after they’ve settled in. If the homesickness persists, however, your child can go home, but please note that no refund will be possible.

    English Outdoors will not be held responsible for any extra charges involved (such as changes to flights, etc.).

    We recommend that you encourage your child to stay in New York though, as we know from experience that after the initial fear of the unknown, our students have a great time and don’t want to leave!

  • We recommend at least $150 per week (already changed into dollars) to make sure they can make the most of their shopping opportunities. It may sound like a lot but students often want to purchase clothes or shoes as well as souvenirs, drinks, and snacks.

  • Yes every student must have a comprehensive insurance package before leaving home.

    Check our our recommended insurance provider.

Still have questions? Contact us.