Whether you are looking to supplement your face-to-face English classes here in New York City or to simply learn English grammar on your own, there are a myriad of fun ways to interact with the language online.

While there’s tons of free stuff out there, it can be daunting to sort through it all and find the right resource for your language learning needs. Therefore, we’ve done the hard work for you!

From interactive websites that allow you to complete full lessons, to apps that either test your vocabulary on the go or connect you with native speakers to practice actual communication, below is a list of some of our favorites to share with students looking to improve their English.

5-Minute English: https://www.5minuteenglish.com/
20-Minute ESL Lessons: https://www.esl-lab.com/vocab/
Daily Grammar: https://www.dailygrammar.com/archive.html
UsingEnglish.com: https://www.usingenglish.com/
Culturally Authentic Pictorial Lexicon: https://capl.washjeff.edu/index.php
Bab.la: https://en.bab.la/games/
Many Things: https://www.manythings.org/
Real English: https://www.computer-only.real-english.com/
Vocabulix: https://www.vocabulix.com/
English is a Piece of Cake: https://www.englishisapieceofcake.com/
ESL Party Land: https://eslpartytown.com/
Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab: https://www.esl-lab.com/
The English Learner Movie Guides: https://www.eslnotes.com/

Learn English Daily
LearnEnglish Grammar
Open Language
Hello Talk
Improve English: Word Games
English Speaking Practice
Hello English
24/7 Tutor

Communities and blogs:
Englishtown: https://www.englishtown.com/community/portal/default.aspx
The English Blog: https://jeffreyhill.typepad.com/english/#.WtddcNPwZGN
Inspiration Lane: https://inspirationlane.blogspot.com/
ESL Hip Hop: https://eslhiphop.com/
Real Life English: https://reallifebh.com/
English with Jo: https://www.englishwithjo.com/
The ABA Journal: https://blog.abaenglish.com/
English with a Twist: https://englishwithatwist.com/
My English Teacher: https://www.myenglishteacher.eu/blog/
Phrasemix: https://www.phrasemix.com/

Check out our neighborhood guides and activities program for more things to do in beautiful Brooklyn!

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